During the second week of Field Investigations in Nairobi City County and its surroundings (January 22nd-26th, 2024), the NECC team diligently addressed a diverse range of environmental concerns. Initially, the team conducted investigations into the development of a high-rise building in Waumini Estate, Katani, Machakos County. These investigations focused on issues such as insufficient public participation, lack of transparency in altering the land’s designated use, and the initiation of construction without the required Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) license.
Subsequently, the team ventured into Lower Kabete, Nairobi City County, to address a complaint raised by the area residents. The crux of the matter was the proposed development of a high-rise building within an area zoned for low-density residential development, as asserted by the residents.
Following this, the NECC team turned its attention to a complaint filed by residents of Mashinani Waterfall Drive, Ruiru. The core issue revolved around the discharge of liquid waste from residential houses into the open environment, leading to its drainage into the Ruiru River. Additionally, concerns were raised about the obstruction of a public access road due to the excavation of a septic tank along the access route.
Lastly, the team conducted field investigations in response to allegations of the illegal acquisition of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) license by the Evangelical Mission for Africa. This complaint, originating from the residents of Paradise Valley Estate in Kyuna, Westlands, Nairobi County, prompted a thorough examination of the circumstances.