From June 23 to 29, 2024, NECC conducted field investigations in Elgeyo Marakwet, Nandi, and Uasin Gishu Counties.
Elgeyo Marakwet: Led by Committee Member Ernest Kioko, HSC, the team addressed the following concerns:
- Excessive degradation due to forest encroachment and deforestation in Kaptagat Forest
- Human-wildlife conflict involving elephants destroying crops at Rimoi Game Reserve
- Degradation of Marakwet Hills due to uncontrolled human activities beyond the Spencer line
- Rampant charcoal burning leading to landslides at the Elgeyo escarpment
- Unrestrained human activities and encroachment threatening the extinction of the Cherangany Water Tower

Nandi and Uasin Gishu: Led by Committee Secretary Mary Njogu and Committee Member William Nairuko, the team investigated:
- Degradation of the Mutwot wetland due to cultivation activities
- Poor waste management practices at the Kapsabet town dumpsite
- Degradation of Marura wetland due to unregulated car washing activities leading to water pollution and overharvesting of papyrus reeds
- Unsustainable quarrying activities in Kapsoya resulting in landslides and unrehabilitated borrow pits
- Unsustainable murram extraction at Kabtebee Hills posing a landslide risk to residents downhill
- Destruction of the Cheplanget section of Sengalo Forest Reserve, which is being cleared for cultivation