Field Investigations in Nairobi City County and its Environs 20th – 22nd January 2025

On the 20th of January 2025, the NECC team investigated the encroachment of Karura River, resulting from the backfilling of a property intended for development in Gachie, Kiambu County.

Site Visit
Filling material found to have encroached into Karura River
Filling debris fount to have altered the natural course of Karura River

On the 21st of January 2025, the NECC team looked into a complaint regarding the alleged canalization and redirection of storm water towards neighbouring plots by a Church located in Kangemi Ward, Nairobi City County.

Site inspection
Storm water drain found within the church

Storm water discharge point found leading outside the church

On the 22nd of January 2025, NECC investigated the Destruction of the Mbagathi River Riparian Wetland and the Forest at Ololua Ridge.

Site inspection
Fencing off of the site
Farming activities found at the site